knit the stitch (that was slipped in the row before) together with its yarnover.
brp (brioche purl - also known as a burp)
purl the stitch (that was slipped in the row before) together with its yarn over
About a year or so ago I passed by the window of Purl in Soho. Everything there is beautiful and even when I have a ton of yarn, fabrics and books at home, and simultaneous projects I'm working on, I never leave without buying something! I saw this beautiful knit scarf in the window so of course I bought the yarn. Although I've knitted off and on for years I had never tried using a self-striping yarn. Usually it seems to be sold as sock yarn but in a scarf you have more opportunity show it off. For my first version of the Brioche Stitch scarf you can go here.
The Brioche (aka Berlin scarf chez Purl)scarf is made with Alchemy Migration yarn which is 30% Silk and 70% Wool. This is what the yarn looks like before knitting it up:
The yarn on the left is goldeneye and on the right is cinnamon tea. Below shows what it looks like after brioching...To get this effect you alternate the colors every 4 rows. I think I might make mine into a cowl thing-y....
If you'd liketo make it go to purlbee for the pattern. It's fun to do once you get the hang of it. I'm not quite finished with it (see wire at right)but had to show it now...
If you'd like to see more projects bloggy people are working on go to kootoyo " my creative space".
I made another example of the scarf using different yarn here.
One of these days I'm going to learn some other brioche stitches!