Monday, May 16, 2011

2011 Ezra Jack Keats Award in Children's Books

I love Amazon. So much so that I pay a premium at the beginning of the year so that I get 2 day shipping on all the books I order over the year. Totally worth it.

I love love love books and  I've always loved the library too. Especially these days when we are trying to cut costs.... Of course it helps that my mother was a librarian - children's librarian that is.

Even though my kids are almost too old for these books I still find myself gravitating towards them for the simple stories they tell and the beautiful illustrations.

So while on the  library website I came upon the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Award.   You may remember from your childhood:

Whistle For Willie (Live Oak Readalong)

The Snowy Day

What should have been obvious but never occurred to me is that Ezra Jack Keats was the first children's book illustrator and writer to write about African American and Hispanic children in an urban setting.

TheNew York Public Library and the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Announced Its 2011 Children's Book Award Winners at Ceremony on May 10.

And here they are:

I Know Here
I KNOW HERE Illustrated by Matt James written by Laurel Croz

Bunny Days
BUNNY DAYS written and illustrated by Tao Nyeu

I think I'll be heading over to Amazon.  I always like to have a stash of books on hand to give to my friends children when I see them or to have ready for a birthday party. 

More later!!
xo CP

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