Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Babies in a Tree!

 Just spent 2 weeks in Michigan with my family.    My brother Paul and his family were in town as well. He is an arborist in Charlotte, NC and whenever he comes up to visit, my parents have lots of work for him to do in their yard.

While in the process of trimming a few branches from some of their older trees they discovered that a squirrel's nest went down with one of the branches too!  Probably fell 30 feet but the 3 little squirelettes (?) were perfectly fine.  The nest was really cool and beautifully constructed with dried grass, leaves and branches.

3 new born squirrels

 Check out the nest.  Very well padded and beautiful in itself!!

After the guys completed work on the trees we put the nest in a basket and somehow my brother got it back up in the tree:
Peeking into the nest before going back into the tree.

Oh and baby squirrels are referred to as pups, kits or kittens!! Who knew?

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