Friday, June 24, 2011

Bloggy Tip: Tweak your Twinkie Links!!

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This is not the usual kind of thing I post but, as a new-ish blogger I found this great how-to and thought it would be nice to share.

We all put links in our pages but this helpful tip explains how to create a link that will open in a new browser window leaving your original web page underneath.   Imagine that!!  Who knew?  Since we all are so ADD these days and jump from page to page I imagine that a lot of us get somewhere on the web and have no idea how to get back to the original interesting page we started with. Not sure about you but, pushing the back button doesn't always work!

So TADA!!  Here is the link.

By the way this is called HTML programming (my husband just pointed out) something I know absolutely NADA about but definitely worth figuring out. So if you checked out the how-to and you now are back on my page you can see that I didn't lose you to the blogger help page. Now hopefully, you'll take time to check out some of my other posts :0)

That's all for tonight.  Next up a mini tour of the High Line in New York.

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