Monday, April 19, 2010

Purl has opened its new store!!

Yesterday I was out in Soho and able to stop in to my new obsession- Purl on Broome Street. They just moved there and now their 2 small stores have been combined into one large one. So exciting and it gave me lots of ideas.  I just don't have enough hours in the day. At the moment I am catching up on mending and fixing stuff that I have in a pile for AGES! Nothing like procrastination!!

 In the meantime I finally taught myself how to do the tunisian simple stitch. It is so cool. It looks like knitting and weaving all at the same time but its CROCHET. I've been making all sorts of little samples. Now I have to figure out what to make with it!  Here are some of the samples:

 I can't quite figure out how to add the last sentence at the bottom so it's here for tonight.  I've almost finished my granny square pillow. It's pretty cool... I think. maybe ?  not sure but it feels great to be doing stuff with my hands again and I finally took out my sewing maching and am leaving it out for good -- otherwise I will never use it.  And a good sewing machine is a terrible thing to waste!!
I LOVE this new stitch I learned. I want to make cozies for everything in my house now!!